Why Choose Magdalene?

Why Choose Magdalene?

Why Choose Magdalene?

How does Magdalene Catholic College meet the learning needs of young Catholics in this area?

We hope our students will achieve their best at Magdalene, in terms of learning, confidence and sense of belonging to this special place.

Magdalene is a College with high standards of academic excellence and high standards for students learning and behaviour. What this means for a student at Magdalene, is that they work each day in an environment which supports their learning and challenges them to be their best.

Many students have already experienced the way a Catholic culture can shape their experience of a school community; how our faith and traditions add a depth and meaning makes a difference to the daily life of the students here. We invite students to become a part of this living, faith community.

Magdalene Catholic College is a part of the system of Catholic schools operated by the Diocese of Wollongong. These schools have been built by the Catholic community to educate young people and to shape them in the tradition of faith given to us by Jesus.

This does not mean that children from non-Catholic families are not welcome. But it does mean that in accordance with the CEDoW enrolment criteria, we have an obligation to prioritise enrolment to children of Catholic families first. This means that we can occasionally offer places to families of other faith backgrounds, however, that is dependent on the number of Catholic applicants each year.

The school was named Magdalene after Saint Mary Magdalene, the woman who has been cured by Jesus and became his friend and supporter. Mary Magdalene was also the first witness to the resurrection on Easter Sunday morning. She was the one who told the world “Christ is risen!”. She is a great model of discipleship and service and she reminds us of the courage it takes to spread the good news. We carry on that mission here every day.

As a Catholic College, a religious education is a key part of learning at Magdalene form Year 7 to Year 12. Just a few weeks ago we celebrated the success of last year’s students who were placed in the top few percent of high achievers in a range of subjects including Studies of Religion. This faith-based learning is not something we add to the Curriculum, it is the heart of the mission for this school.

In a country and a culture that is all about satisfying the individual, this college, and other Catholic schools, stand for an entirely opposite message – that we are called to love God and love one another. Out of this love grows humility, compassion, generosity and healing. It is not always easy for Catholic schools to offer this alternative view of the world, and it is impossible without your support. When students leave here, we hope and pray that they have come to understand the importance of a spiritual life and of a relationship with their creator.

What the students say