 Diocesan Learning Framework

Diocesan Learning Framework

Learning Framework

The Diocesan Learning and Teaching Framework acknowledge the importance of the nature of the learner and the learning process within the context of the evangelising mission of the Catholic Church. It identifies the interconnectedness of the characteristics of quality Catholic learning and teaching. The Framework values and respects the work of teachers incorporating the integration of the essential dimensions providing teachers with a practical and useful framework for professional learning. It recognises that teacher quality is a significant factor leading to student achievement.

Pedagogy incorporates the thinking, choice, and actions of teachers in creating learning environments that foster creative engagement, high expectations, and life-enhancing relationships amongst all learners. The Framework focuses on improving learning outcomes for all students across all learning environments.

The intention of the Framework is to provide schools and staff with a basis for professional reflection and conversation about pedagogy. The Framework enables learning communities to engage in the process of creating and reflecting on learning and teaching practices and environments. It has been designed to value, respect, and promote the self-esteem and dignity of the learner.

The Framework is a vehicle to support the ‘core business in the three Key Areas identified in the Catholic Education Office’s Strategic Plan and School Review and Improvement. It supports the implementation of:

Key Area 1

Catholic Life and Religious Education

Key Area 2

Students and their Learning

Key Area 3


Please see the attached document which outlines the Diocesan Learning & Teaching Framework here.