Assessment Information
Assessment is integral to the learning and teaching of students at Magdalene Catholic College. The goal of assessment is to enable teachers and students to gather evidence about student achievement and assist in the planning and implementation of teaching strategies and content. Assessment of learning provides information that allows staff to evaluate the effectiveness of their previous teaching. Assessment for learning gives an opportunity for students to assess what they have learned and for teachers to modify and differentiate their pedagogy based on this evidence.
Quality assessment assists students to become independent and self-directed learners. As a Catholic College, we recognise that assessment must reflect gospel values creating a fair, equitable, and just system for all students. All assessment is standards-referenced and students should have a clear understanding of what is expected of them.
Assessment at Magdalene may be either formal or informal. Formal tasks are those listed on the assessment schedule and must be designed to assess the outcomes identified for the task. In Years 10, 11, and 12, these tasks will be used to determine a student’s final rank or grade. All tasks used for formal assessment should be common across all relevant classes and marked in a way that provides consistent and reliable measures of achievement. This may be managed by a single teacher, or through rigorous pilot marking. Informal assessment can be used to inform/adjust the results of formally assessed tasks.
Each assessment task provides all students with an opportunity to demonstrate their achievement of course outcomes.
Formal Assessment tasks are kept to a minimum with 4 tasks per course per year considered sufficient.
Formal Assessment tasks will not have a submission date the week before major examination periods.
Assessment of student performance in a task must be based on the actual outcomes achieved and NOT on the potential achievement. Set marking criteria and/or rubrics should be given to students prior to the task, except for in examination situations.
The assessed outcomes link directly to the syllabus, reports, and band statements for the end of each stage of learning.

Each student is to be given an assessment outline at the commencement of each course detailing the nature of each task, the weightings and the submission dates.
All Formal Assessment tasks must include the due date, weighting and outcomes to be assessed.
They must include a clear task outline and a rubric and/or marking guidelines. Stage 6 tasks must be presented to students using the standard Magdalene Cover sheet and students are to be given at least two weeks notice of the task.
All assessment tasks should be submitted as a hard copy unless otherwise stated.
After each assessment task, students are given meaningful feedback on their performance and achievement of outcomes.
Penalties apply for the unjustified late submission of Formal Assessment tasks. In Years 11 and 12, this could be a zero mark and ‘N’ warning letter.
Years 11 & 12 students must submit hand-in tasks by 8:15 am on the day due. These are to be handed into the Learning Resource Centre. The tasks, with a cover sheet attached, are to be placed into the designated box before the bell for the beginning of homeroom rings.
For Years 7 – 9, extensions and application of penalties will be at the discretion of the KLA Leaders of Learning. For Years 10 – 12, extensions and penalties will be granted or applied at the discretion of the Curriculum Leader of Learning in consultation with the KLA Leaders of Learning.
Formal tasks awarded a zero must still be submitted and marked and the results used to assist in determining student achievement of outcomes. Students have the right to appeal the decisions of KLA Leaders of Learning. in terms of procedures not being correctly followed or of the award of a zero mark. An appeals panel consisting of the Principal, Curriculum Leader of Learning. and KLA Leader of Learning. will be convened and the student will be informed in writing of the final decision.
The golden rule applies: if in doubt, ask for support or assistance.