Our Core Values
At Magdalene Catholic College our ‘Core Values’ represent what we uphold and are a guide to action. In particular, we value:
Discipleship and Service
Like Mary Magdalene, we recognise the importance of being a witness to the Risen Lord. As such, discipleship and service are key to what we do. Not only are the teachings of Christ and the traditions of our faith embedded into our curriculum, but so too are opportunities for our students to: (1) encounter, know and love their God, and (2) actively support those in need. Through emphasising compassion and empathy, students are encouraged to put their faith in action and become positive agents of change – making significant contributions towards others, their world and those on the margins of society.

Love of Learning
We value the provision of Quality Catholic Education and our student-centred environment instils a love of lifelong learning. Through such a passion for learning, in a safe and positive learning environment, our students are equipped with skills of critical thinking and analysis. To facilitate this, each student has the right to learn and, by extension, no student has the right to negatively impact on another’s learning. Disciplined habits, imaginative thinking and creativity are emphasised to problem-solve, evaluate, innovate and reach evidence-based conclusions.
Quality Relationships
We regard quality relationships as essential to maximising personal growth and learning outcomes. Underpinning these relationships are dignity and respect; for one’s self and others. By showing genuine concern and interest for each individual (including interactions between students, teachers and parents), meaningful connections can be established and outcomes enhanced (be they academic, sporting, spiritual or cultural). Like Jesus, we believe in a hopefilled future and, by instilling His values into daily thought and action, we challenge students to be self-aware and the best that they can be.

Personal Best
We commit to being the best version of ourselves by making the most of our God-given gifts and abilities (both known and yet to be discovered). We strive towards achieving individual goals and value the power of self-reflection, feedback and developing resilience. Having high expectations of ourselves across all domains is critical, and consequently, it is each student’s right that every staff member demands high standards of student behaviour, a commitment towards learning and a desire to achieve one’s best. We promote the importance of wellbeing and having a positive mindset.