Our College Crest reflects our College Motto:
“Because I have seen the Lord” references the experience of Mary Magdalene on Easter morning.
The sun’s emanating rays are symbolic of the Resurrection, while the cross represents the risen Lord.
The College colours are Dark Blue and Red with accents of Gold. The College Crest was originally designed by Sr. Elizabeth Delaney and Sr. Judith Souter. It was further developed by a local design company (Saffron and Co.) when Magdalene Catholic High School became Magdalene Catholic College in 2020.
The College Crest represents the transformational experience of the Resurrection on the life of Mary Magdalene. She had travelled with Jesus and the other disciples from Galilee listening, helping and caring for the needs of the group. She was present at the Crucifixion and was to prepare the body of Jesus for burial. On Easter Sunday she was the first to see the Lord, she believed in the Risen Christ and was sent to proclaim the Good News to the other disciples.
Our College Crest calls us to do likewise: to allow the Risen Christ to transform our lives so that we, like Mary Magdalene, may be able to proclaim the Good News as disciples. Like Mary Magdalene we hear the Lord call our name, accepting us, healing us, trusting us, loving us as His devoted disciples and entrusting us with His mission to bring about the Kingdom by a ministry of service to God and others. Like Mary Magdalene, we will seize the moment of truth and not hesitate to proclaim it. Like Mary Magdalene, we will show our love. Mary Magdalene inspires us with hope.
The College crest and motto are constant reminders that we are called to discipleship, to witness the presence of Christ in our daily lives through both word and action.