As a faith community, our prayer and liturgical experiences are central to the life of Magdalene. Students have opportunities to pray daily in pastoral groups. The key feasts of the church and the significant moments in the lives of the students are celebrated. Students are encouraged to assume leadership and take responsibility for all ministries as they live out their full, conscious and active participation in a faithful relationship with God and each other.
Liturgy has been a significant part of life at Magdalene, with each Religious Education class having a special Mass set aside for them during the year. Older students can be trained as extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion and for other liturgical ministry roles and they play a vital part in our school community and in their parish communities.
Prayer is a daily feature of life at Magdalene. Each day students have morning prayer in Homeroom, where students lead the prayer themselves. In the afternoon, prayer is recited over the P.A. system and students join in the prayer in their classrooms. All activity and movement stops during the few moments of prayer as a sign of respect. This awareness of the presence of God in our daily lives is something that we seek to foster in our students as they go about their everyday activities at Magdalene.
We have strong links to local parishes and priests, particularly St Paul’s Parish at Camden, with Fr Michael and his assistant priests. These men, and other leaders of the local churches help our students to gain a greater understanding of what it means to be a Catholic, whether they are celebrating a Mass at school with us or at the local parish.