Magdalene Catholic College follows the Board of Studies syllabus for each course offered (as required for Registration and Accreditation under the Education Act 1990) and implements the curriculum requirements of the Catholic Education Office. The curriculum, teaching, and learning are informed by the priorities, goals, and indicators outlined in the Catholic Education Office Diocese of Wollongong, Strategic Management Plan, in particular: Key Area 2 (Students and their Learning) and Key Area 3 (Pedagogy). Staff members at the school are committed to the continuous improvement of teaching and learning in all facets of the College curriculum.
There are thirty-four Higher School Certificate (HSC) Courses. The extensive range of HSC electives incorporated Board Developed Courses, Board Endorsed Courses, Vocational Education Courses, and access to TAFE Courses. The number of students in each of these electives varied according to resources and interests. The College offers HSC extension courses in Preliminary and HSC English, Mathematics, and HSC History.
Curriculum and Pedagogy
Particular features of the college’s curriculum include:
- learning support programs
- an emphasis on targeted intervention
- transition programs from primary to high school and school to work
- Vocational Education – Hospitality, Construction and various TAFE delivered courses
- the employment of a data analyst position with an emphasis on a whole school emphasis on literacy and numeracy
- an emphasis on eLearning in classrooms centred around the 1:1 computer program.
- a whole school emphasis on curriculum differentiation to support individual needs
- the promotion of assessment for learning with an approach to assessment which improves learning